January 2, 2014

on another starting point

Recently I read on one of my friend status on facebook “Why wait until January next year to start things?!” I smirk. It is very common that every of us ending the year with a new to-do list and resolution. Many of us become more serious about life. We plan new courses of action to better our lives. People evaluate their lives and plan and resolve to take action. Every resolution you make on this day implies that you are in control of your self, that you are not a victim fated by circumstance, controlled by stars, owned by luck, but that you are an individual who can make choices to change your life. (Oh the feeling of breathing the fresh new day)

But it is really, necessary? For my whole life I have never made any of lists (I’m not really good with list, actually). I guess it’s not that bad to make some. It makes us stay focus on our goals (talking about minimizing all the dramas in life). But I guess, for me, I'm sticking with the magic of life (what a hopelessly romantic i am). Let life overwhelm me with surprises  for that I pray that everything will go smoothly for my family and loved ones. And of course, its life not a happy ending Hollywood movie, shit does happen in a real life. And I pray nothing but a set of patience, strength, and compassion for all of us, to deal with it.

After all, it is always great to have a momentum. Where you can pause for a while for a contemplating and just be in your own moment, but not for a long dwell as the show must go on.

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